
What to expect....
Decluttering is an essential step of the process and is the initial part of the session where we work together to decide which items will stay and which items you no longer need;
By having my support and guidance its much easier to make this decision; clients often find this part of process is actually quite fun as you rediscover items you thought you had lost or had forgotten where they were!
We tackle this part of the process by categorising your items into the following;

I can then work independently allowing you to carrying on with your day, many of my clients work from home during our sessions
During this part of the process i will create categories and zones for the items you are keeping and then set about analysing the functionality of the space before carefully selecting storage products which will enhance the efficiency.
I keep a huge range of storage products on my van and so always have the right solution at hand saving you the stress of sourcing products!
If you have storage products that i can utilise i will always do so and will always discuss products and budget for this prior to implementing